Rice is amazing. Rice will save your stoned, broke, ass from starving. Rice is sold BY THE POUND, and you should buy as much of it as you can afford. Right now.
Rice is also the easiest thing ever to cook. Here's how it works...
1c. Rice
2c. Water
1.)Put the water on the stove, turn it up high.
2.)When the water boils stir in the rice.
3.)Turn down the heat to medium-high and put a cover on the pot if you have it. Set a timer for 20 minutes.
4.)Go smoke a bowl. Occasionally stir the rice, if you remember.
5.)When the timer goes off you should have minimal water left. Take the rice off the stove.
TA DA! Now you're stoned and have a big ol' pot of rice. This can be eaten alone (if you're desperate), or added to meals, or as the focal point of meals.
Here are a few simple rice meals:
Cheesy Salsa Rice:
1 cup cooked rice
1/4 cup salsa
1 slice cheese
Put all 3 ingredients into a bowl and microwave for 1 minute. Stir and enjoy.
Rice and Beans (A la Chef Swagger):
2c Rice
1 can beans
When your rice is done cooking pour the entire contents of a can
of your favorite beans over them. Stir, add salt and pepper to taste, and enjoy.
Rice and Beans (A la 420 No Money):
2c Rice
1c Chilli Beans
Hot Sauce
Italian Spices
When your rice is freshly cooked add as much or as little hot sauce as you want. Then add a tea spoon of dried Italian Herbs (fresh ground from a grinder is best). Pour the chilli beans and all of their chilli seasoning onto the herbed rice. Eat it while it's hot.
Basic Fried Rice:
2 cups cooked and cooled rice

1 tbsp oil
3 cap-fulls of soy sauce
2 cap-fulls of vinegar
Let the rice sit in the refrigerator till it's cold. Then heat up 1tbsp of oil in a skillet. Throw the cold rice into the hot oil and stir, baby, stir. When the rice is browning add the vinegar and soy sauce. Continue to stir until everything is blended. Take off the heat and enjoy.
Add extra
The thing about rice is that it can make any small meal into a huge meal. If you have some left over stir fry from the Chinese joint on the other side of town, add rice to it, it'll feed you for two meals. Got some soup? Add rice to it to make it last twice as long and fill you twice as much. Rice is basically the cheap ass stoner's best friend.